Excel Opens Again After I Close It
eleven-18-2012,07:40 PM #1
Registered User
All of the sudden, Excel.exe remains open after I close the excel file I'g using
I used to be able to click on the Excel icon, and it would open "Book1". When I closed it, the whole application would shut.I recently added macros to PERSONAL.xlsb, and at present when I launch excel, no spreadsheet opens automatically, and when I close the one I open, excel does not shut.
Say I have a workbook open up, save it and click the big ruddy 10 in the top right corner, the workbook will close, just non excel.
11-xviii-2012,08:33 PM #two
Re: All of the sudden, Excel.exe remains open after I shut the excel file I'm using
Have you tried property the SHIFT cardinal downwards when clicking on the 'X'?- Moo
xi-18-2012,10:45 PM #3
Registered User
Re: All of the sudden, Excel.exe remains open after I close the excel file I'm using
Yeah, I searched around on google for a while and found that proposition, and it does piece of work.That'south more than similar putting a bandaid on it than a ready though.
I don't empathize why it acts that mode later never doing so before, and I don't understand why when I launch the application it doesn't open up to a new, bare certificate the way information technology did before.
I tried replacing the Book.xlt file in AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Excel\XLStart, no luck.
xi-nineteen-2012,11:14 AM #4
Registered User
Re: All of the sudden, Excel.exe remains open up later on I shut the excel file I'm using
When y'all open Excel what does it come up with? If information technology is your PERSONAL.XLSB hid the sheet and y'all should be good to go.
11-19-2012,05:fifty PM #five
Registered User
Re: All of the sudden, Excel.exe remains open after I shut the excel file I'thou using
No the .xlsb launched hidden.
Originally Posted by jhazelwood
When I open Excel, it opens up to a blank application. No visible workbook. You take Open up or Create New.
11-26-2012,ten:49 AM #half-dozen
Registered User
Re: All of the sudden, Excel.exe remains open after I close the excel file I'm using
Happy Monday, all!Anyone have any idea on either of these problems?? I can't seem to find anything!
xi-27-2012,11:13 AM #vii
Registered User
Re: All of the sudden, Excel.exe remains open afterwards I close the excel file I'm using
FOR ALL WHO Come AFTER! ... and find this thread while searching ... I figured it out :DThe but answers I could get anywhere were: "only Shft+Click from at present on", and: "Alt+F4 should piece of work".
Well you know what I say?! http://i.imgur.com/aCg8F.jpg
Ok. Anyway. If the big red "X" stops quitting Excel, and only closes the agile workbook, all yous have to do is File > Options > Advanced > Display > Prove all windows in the Taskbar.
Have a nice day anybody. Thanks.
02-06-2015,04:thirteen PM #8
Forum Contributor
Re: All of the sudden, Excel.exe remains open afterwards I shut the excel file I'one thousand using
You sir are a genius!
Originally Posted by MacroPolo
Source: https://www.excelforum.com/excel-general/877281-all-of-the-sudden-excel-exe-remains-open-after-i-close-the-excel-file-im-using.html
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